Befreiungskriege 1813-14

Painting and modelling 28mm Napoleonic wargaming miniatures

Summerfield free sample extracts

Posted by Martin on January 15, 2009

Following on from my last post, you’ll probably know that Dr. Stephen Summerfield is an occasional commenter here at BfK. After I mentioned the publication of his two new Prussian books, we had some e-mail correspondence which has resulted in what I hope will prove to be a mutually beneficial arrangement.

Stephen sent me final drafts of both books and offered to let me choose a short extract from each to make available for people to see here at BfK with his and the publisher’s consent. I’m not going to disguise that this is something of a “you scratch my back and I’ll scratch your back” thing but I’m also hoping that this will also perform a public service for those of you who are considering adding either or both of these two volumes to your bookshelves and would like a sneak preview of them before deciding to part with hard earned cash. I know there’s a fair degree of curiosity already because questions about both books have already started to appear over at TMP.

If things go as intended, you’ll get an advance view of what the books are like, Stephen and his publisher will pick up some publicity / sales and I’ll get a boost to BfK’s traffic and reputation.

So the only remaining difficulty was to choose which extracts to ask Stephen to let me have. I’ve spent the last couple of evenings mulling this over rather like the proverbial kid in a sweet shop and it’s been a tough choice so forgive me if I haven’t picked extracts of direct interest to you. I confess that in the end I allowed my own selfish motiviations to drive my choice. As regular readers will know, I’m gradually trying to paint up the units of Borstell’s 5th brigade so I’ve chosen extracts relevant to that:

These extracts are PDF files and also include the Tables of Contents for each volume.

Both books are published by and available from Partizan Press which is a part of Caliver Books. So all that remains to say is “thank you” to Stephen and to Dave Ryan at the publishers for giving permission for these extracts to be made available here.

7 Responses to “Summerfield free sample extracts”

  1. Frank Catinella said

    The excerts are very good. If only these had been published a month ago, they would be sitting on my lap. It’s too early for another Christmas list so I will have to bite the bullet and invest the £50.

  2. Phil said


  3. Hussarbob said

    Now these are going to be very hard to resist!!

  4. Dr Stephen Summerfield said

    Dear All
    The two volumes on Prussian Army have now been published and are with Caliver Books so all is finally right with the world. Maybe not.


  5. dont resist Hussarbob i didnt

  6. wonderfull stuff…………your the man!!



  7. Dr Stephen Summerfield said

    Dear Ged
    I am glad. The shad for some of the coats is not quite correct but that is me being a perfectionist. There are about 400-500 illustrations that I drew or improved from the originals. I tried to remove the yellowing of the original plates and get the colour back to how they were originally. The fine Bauer plates courtesy of Peter of Calpe certainly made a difference in the 2nd volume where all the Reserve Infantry Regiments are illustrated.

    There are over 40 OOBs in the books and I have attempted to explain the organisation. There was a considerable amount of thought and planning that went into the Prussian Army.

    I was very pleased that they were published as a pair and it made writing them easier. This is the first print of 100 each so minor corrections can be made for the next print run.

    I hope you enjoy them. Comments and corrections are always welcome.


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