Befreiungskriege 1813-14

Painting and modelling 28mm Napoleonic wargaming miniatures

Emmanuel Nouaillier: master builder

Posted by Martin on July 28, 2009

An example of Emmanuel Nouaillier's craftsmanship.

An example of Emmanuel Nouaillier's craftsmanship.

Every so often, I turn to the modelling (rather than wargaming) press for inspiration. And on a recent such occassion, I came across a series of articles in Military Modelling by French structures modeller Emmanuel Nouaillier. As far as I can tell, there are three (to date) articles in the series and they’re all now available online:

Emmanuel specializes in 1940s/50s French architecture in 1/72nd and 1/48th scale and his tools, techniques and materials seem to be emminently suited to construction of buildings for the wargames table. Moreover, they seem to be ones that are readily available and don’t need specialist tools. I can see myself eventually settling down to build some farms, stables, barns and villages “somewhere in Brandenburg” or “somewhere in Saxony” using Emmanuel’s work as my template. All I have to do is summon up the courage to emboss all those individual bricks into foamboard!

4 Responses to “Emmanuel Nouaillier: master builder”

  1. Dinium1945 said

    Excellent article. I’ll be using the brick technique in the future, thanks for unearthing it Martin.

  2. Peter Royle said

    I have tried this method and it does work really well as long you have the patience but worth it in the end, works for cobbles and stone work too.

  3. Carol Wood said

    Superb article. Will be giving this a try.

  4. Eduardo Farinelli said

    Fantastic buildings. I searched all over the country the “Feather Board” cited in the article and could not find any reference that is close to what appears in the article. I wish I had more information about this material. An observation: I live in Brazil

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