Befreiungskriege 1813-14

Painting and modelling 28mm Napoleonic wargaming miniatures

What does “limited” mean?

Posted by Martin on October 31, 2012

We’re now almost into November and I’m pleased to report that Peter F. is beavering away on the greens for the BfK 2012 Limited Edition Figure project. He and I have also sorted out most of the logistical details now which means that I’m in a position to clarify what “limited” really means.

I’ve decided that the key limit will be on eligibility for the prize draw. So that means that only those of you whose orders I receive by 30 November 2012 (which are subsequently completed successfully) will be eligible for entry into the prize draw. I will, however, happily continue to accept orders after that date though bear in mind that I will eventually choose to stop accepting orders completely. When that time comes, I will update the project page accordingly.

That means those of you who have not yet placed an order, and wish to be entered in the prize draw, have got about a month left. I’m delighted to say that I’ve already received a steady stream of orders and enquiries. I’ve been trying to reply to everybody individually, so if you think I haven’t responded, my apologies and please let me know ASAP.

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