Befreiungskriege 1813-14

Painting and modelling 28mm Napoleonic wargaming miniatures

News trickling out from the Towers

Posted by Martin on May 1, 2014

Calpe pack P22: march-attack Prussian musketeers.

Calpe Pack P22: march-attack Prussian musketeers.

Calpe pack P23: march-attack Prussian musketeers, head variants.

Calpe Pack P23: march-attack Prussian musketeers, head variants.

After a hiatus almost as long as mine, the 2014 Calpe Towers release juggernaut is ready to roll. Peter F. has had to content with some rubber-related troubles over the last couple of months (sorry, I couldn’t resist that little double entendre opportunity) because his long standing supplier is no more. After trialling a variety of replacements, you can now expect new packs to start becoming available on the website very soon. Are they French, Prussian or Saxon? The answer is: all three!

The immediate focus will be completion of the French march-attack infantry set with packs for voltigeurs and grenadiers with their coats down followed by various command packs. Then there are some Prussian infantry march attack packs and a selection of Saxon infantry packs. Peter’s complete predicted order of priority for work is as follows:

  • Finish, the French march-attack set.
  • Finish the Prussian march-attack set.
  • Finish the Saxon advancing set.
  • Finish work on the French gunners.
  • Finish work on the Saxon gunners.
Calpe Pack S1: advancing Saxon musketeers with covered shakos.

Calpe Pack S1: advancing Saxon musketeers with covered shakos.

Calpe Pack S2: advancing Saxon musketeers with calfskin shako covers.

Calpe Pack S2: advancing Saxon musketeers with calfskin shako covers.

Calpe Pack S3: advancing Saxon musketeers with uncovered shakos.

Calpe Pack S3: advancing Saxon musketeers with uncovered shakos.

I think you should see some packs on the website later this week or early next week because Peter has been frantically taking pictures, photoshopping them and writing the blurb to go with the packs. Indeed, some of them already appear to be there! If I’ve got my sums right, there are three Saxon musketeer advancing packs (S1, S2 and S3 – not to be confused with the “old” Saxon packs) and a couple of Prussian musketeer march-attack packs (P22 and P23) already mustered for duty.

14 Responses to “News trickling out from the Towers”

  1. Rob said

    As always, new calpe news is good Calpe news. Im especially happy to see the saxons now on the site… the paint job Peter has done on them is just phenomenal. Hopefully the artillery crews will follow in short order!

  2. Ralph said

    Be great to have those French gunners done to accompany those beaut French guns – that Gribeauval 12 pdr reminds me of happy days spent fondling one in the courtyard at Les Invalides…Mind you those advancing Saxons with uncovered shakos look pretty good too!

  3. All good news. There are also several new French march attack infantry packs on the site. I hope Peter’s received my order ok!! 8O)
    von Peter himself

  4. Phil said

    You da man!

  5. Phil said

    Although, it looks like the Calpe website has gone missing. Grrrrr.

  6. Phil said

    It’s up for me now. This is going to be a problem. I haven’t painted any Napoleonics in years. I had been waiting for the French march attack figs and drifted off to other areas. Now, here they are. I guess I’ll just have to get going on Napoleonics again.

  7. Darren said

    Hi Martin
    Why are the Prussian Grenadiers no longer on Peter F’s listings??

    • Martin said

      Off the top of my head, I’m not sure. To be frank, I hadn’t noticed their disappearance. I’ll check with Peter F and get back to you.

      • Darren said

        Thanks Martin.

        • Martin said

          I asked Peter F about this. The Grenadiers are still available. They fell in between the cracks when the new website was designed. You can order them by simply looking at the new musketeer figures on the main part of the website and adding a G to the code. So P4 would become PG4 and so on.

  8. Peter said

    guys any sign of prussian kurassiers ever appearing?

  9. Darren said

    Peter needs to get the site updated, it’s not doing justice if he has a range such as the Prussian Grenadiers unlisted Martin.

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